Nicaraguan Fina El Limoncillo Pacamara Peaberry - Direct Trade

Starting March 1, 2008 you will be able to purchase this incredible Direct Trade coffee from Fratello Coffee Co. We haven’t been this excited about offering our clients a coffee since the first lot of Cup of Excellence we won.
This coffee cupped out at a 89.5, but if you were to include the look of the beans when scoring, this coffee would have been well into the 90’s. These giant beans give this coffee a very unique look. We found that this coffee gave us a spicy orange and fresh pine aroma which was complimented by the thick & syrupy mouth feel. Flavor notes of black-bing cherry, candied cloves and apple pie are brightened with the delicate grapefruit acidity.
Finca El Limoncillo – General farm information
This farm got its name from the unusual growth of lemon trees that were originally found here. This is arguably their most beautiful farm (out of 5).
Four water falls, numerous streams and a vast diversity of plant and animal life, this farm has undeniable beauty. A visit to this farm gives you an opportunity to hike steep mountain trails crisscrossed by meandering streams. They take pride in being environmentally and socially responsible and are always looking for new ways to improve those efforts.
Farm Name: El Limoncillo
Region: Matagalpa
Micro-region: Yasica Norte
Year Founded: 1932
Founder: Alejandro Salazar
Current Owner: Erwin Mierisch Sr.
Altitude: 950-1300 meters
Sade Trees: Guava, Laurel Negro, Poro, Nogal, Few banana trees, and other native varieties.
Rainfall per year: 3,786mm
Mucilage Removal: Fermentation for approximately 36 hours then hand washed with fresh water.
Varieties Grown: 10% Maragoipe, 30% Pacamara, 25% Bourbon, 20% Caturra, 15% Java.
Processing Method: Sun Dried patios
Flowering Period: 3 flowerings: 1st Jan/Feb, 2nd Mid-March, 3rd May/June
Havesting Period: December – March
Harvesting Method: Hand picked, ripe cherries only, no strip picking, 3 passes per tree over the entire harvesting period.
Environmental Projects: They have recently finished a 15kw hydroelectric plant that while small, powers the farm operational needs and also those who reside in the community. They have built bio-digesters from which they have usable gases that are used to fuel the kitchens which lessens the deforestation that is associated with wood burning stoves.
They use ORGANIC composting every chance they get. They use the cherry mucilage from the past crop as one of the main components in this compost. Further, they have a worm bed in which humic acid which is an organic fertilizer which is very rich and beneficial to plants.
(Day care and health care facility)
Social Projects: They have an established Child Daycare program. This gives working mothers access to childcare on the farm. Infants, toddlers and children have a place for food and healthcare, while engaging in educational activities. The nursery employs women from the community to care for the children. The nursery is used most actively during the harvest months, which coincide with school vacation, December to February. This is a great option for families who have come to the farm temporarily for the harvest season.