Want to brew great coffee at home?
Fratello has just begun selling two new coffee brewing devices which are now available on our on-line store. The Chemex & Aeropress aren’t new to the industry; however, are new to us.
Both of these devices brew coffee extremely well. At the moment I’m really enjoying the Chemex.
I find that the extraction of this method brings out a syrup body and sweetness in the cup that is hard to match with other brewing methods.
This Aeropress is also very interesting.
This will certainly be my brew method of choice for when I’m traveling & camping. It is fast, easy to use and requires very little clean up. I get a very clean cup with this method of brewing and find it great with coffee that has a pronounced acidity. I love the fact that you can use different brewing methods to extract different characteristics out of the same coffee. A French Press is also great, but I can sometimes find the body to over power the delicate nuances found in coffees. Acidity, sweetness is sometimes over powered by the heavy body.
If you currently use a “regular brewer” at home you honestly do not know what you are missing. These are very easy to use (watch for the training videos coming soon) and extract coffee much nicer than traditional home brewers…..In fact, MANY Cafes are now introducing these brew methods as the normal practice, replacing expensive commercial coffee brewers.